
Manuela Maciel
Clinical Psychologist, Psychodramatist and Sociodramatist. Chairman of the Psychodrama section of the IAGP (2003-2009 - International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes) and Vice-President of the Portuguese Psychodrama Association (2009-2013).

Maria Margarida Barros
Artist, Desiner, Sociodramatist, member of the Portuguese Psychodrama Society, qualified in Education sciences  and Peace Education, Sociology and Social Anthropology. Qualifications in several holistic fiels with a deep and pratical knowledge of Essential Shamanism, Psychology and Esoteric Astrology, Yoga Primordial and others Ancient Wisdom Traditions. Devoting her life to find what is essential and pure. Developing  artistic activity and supporting both individual and group sessions on human development, transformation and healing, contributing to a Culture of Peace.  Is Messenger of Manifest 2000 - Culture of Peace and Non-violence - UNESCO. Coordinates  the Transdisciplinar Center for Research, Studies and Experiences of Consciousness - Space & 4 Elements - .

Margarida Belchior
Trained as Sociodramatist, member of the Portuguese Psychodrama Association. Primary school teacher and teacher trainer. PHD in Education, transdisciplinary approach: "Learning in the Information and Knowledge Society - between the local and the global - contribution for Peace Education".

Contacts: see here